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Advent candles tell their story
Alleluia, alleluia, give thanks to the risen Lord
All glory, laud, and honour
All things bright and beautiful
And can it be that I should gain
Angel voices ever singing
Awake, awake, fling off the night
Alleluia! alleluia
According to thy gracious word
Alleluia, sing to Jesus
All my hope on God is founded
All over the world the spirit is moving
And now, O Father, mindful of the love
As with gladness men of old
All our blessings, all our joys
All hail the power of Jesus name
All Creatures of our God and King
All for Jesus, all for Jesus
All People that on Earth do Dwell
Amazing Grace
A new commandment
At Cana's wedding
All heaven declares
Angels from the realms of glory
Beauty for brokenness
Be thou my guardian and my guide
Break Thou the bread of life
Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine
Be still for the Spirit of the Lord
Be Thou my vision O Lord of my heart (on
Brightest and best
Beneath the cross of Jesus
Be still and know that I am Lord
blest are the pure in heart
Brother, sister, let me serve you
Breathe on me breath of God
Boisterous, buzzing, barking things
Christ is the King! O friends
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Colours of day dawn into the mind
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love
Come thou long-expected Jesus
Christ is the heavenly food
Christ is the world's true light
Christians Awake! Salute this happy morn
Come down, O Love divine
Come, my soul, thy suit prepare
Come, you thankful people, come
Come risen Lord
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
City of God, how broad & far
Come, let us join our cheerful songs
Come on the wings of the morning
Crown Him with many crowns
Christ is the world in which we move
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
Earth has many a noble city
Eternal Father, strong to save
Faithful vigil ended
Fill thou my life, O Lord my God
Forty days and forty nights
For the healing of the nations
Father who in Jesus found us
Father hear the prayer we offer
For all the saints who from their labours rest
From Heaven You came... (The Servant Kin
For I'm building a people of power
For those who gave us life and breath
Fight the Good Fight
For the beauty of the earth
Forth in the peace of Christ we go
For the fruits of His creation
Forth in thy name, O Lord I go
Go forth and tell
God is here! As we his people
God is our strength & refuge (Dambusters
God, who made the earth
God's spirit is in my heart
Give me oil in my lamp
God is Love Let Heaven Adore Him
God is working his purpose out
Guide me O thou great Jehovah
Gather around for the table is spread
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Great is thy faithfulness
God of mercy, God of grace
For those who gave us life and breath
Hail to the Lord's Anointed
Hark! A thrilling voice is sounding
Hills of the North rejoice
How Great Thou art
Hark my soul it is the Lord
Hail the day that sees him rise, Allelui
Hark the glad sound! The Saviour comes.
Holy, holy holy, Lord God Almighty!
How lovely on the mountains are the feet of Him
Hallelujah sing to Jesus
Happy are they, they that love God
He's got the whole world in his hand
Holy Spirit, come, confirm us
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
How firm a foundation
He brought me to His banqueting house
I come with joy, a child of God
I. the Lord of sea and sky
If I were a butterfly
In heavenly love abiding
I heard the voice of Jesus say
I have seen the golden sunshine
I will pilot thee
Immortal, invisible, God only wise
In the bleak midwinter
I have decided to follow Jesus
I love the name of Jesus, King of my hea
I will sing the wondrous story
In Happy Moments Praise God.
It came upon a midnight clear
I gotta a home in gloryland
I cannot tell
Jerusalem the golden.
Jesus, good above all other
Jesus shall reign where'er the sun
Just as I am without one plea
Jesus Christ is risen today
Jesu, lover of my soul
Jesus is Lord
Jesus the very thought of Thee
Joy to the world
Jesus Christ is waiting
Jesus call us o'er the tumult
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee
Jesus where'er Thy people meet(492)
Jesus lover of my soul
Jesus, stand among us
Shine Jesus Shine
Jesus the name high over all
King of glory, King of peace
Kum ba Yah
Lead us heavenly Father lead us.
Let me hide myself in Thee
Lift up your hearts!
Lord Jesus Christ You have come to us (o
Lord of beauty,Thine the splendour
Lord Thy word abideth
Love's redeeming work is done
Let us build a house where love can dwell
Let all mortal flesh keep silent
Let us break bread together on our knees
Lord, enthroned in heavenly
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of the church we pray for our renew
Love divine, all loves excelling
Low in the grave he lays
Lord you give the great commission
Let all the world in every corner sing.m
Let us, with a gladsome mind
Lord, for the years your love...
Lord of all power, I give you my will
Lord, thy church on earth is seeking
Lo, He comes with clouds descending
Love is his word
Lord the light of your love is shining
Lord have mercy on us
Make me a channel of your peace
My God is so big
May the mind of Christ my Saviour
My song is love unknown
Morning has broken
Meekness and majesty
Nearer my God to Thee
New Every Morning is the Love
Now from the heavens descending
Now thank we all our God
O breath of life
O for a closer walk with God
O Jesus I have promised
O praise ye the Lord
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holi
Once in Royal David's city
O Thou Who camest from Above
O the deep, deep love of Jesus
O Come all ye Faithful
O for a thousand tongues to sing
O Land of our Birth- The Manx National A
O tell me more
O worship the King
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
One more step along the world I go
O be careful little eyes what you see
O come, O come, Emmanuelle
O God, our help in ages past
O Lord of heaven and earth and sea
O when the Saints go marching in
O valiant hearts who to your glory came.
Our God is a great big God
O sacred head, surrounded
O Lord my God (How Great thou art)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
Praise to the holiest in the height
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
Rejoice! The Lord is King
Ride on, ride on in majesty!
See, amid the winter snow
Sing we of the blessed Mother
Soldiers of Christ, arise
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God
Son of God, eternal Saviour
Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Shine Jesus Shine
Songs of thankfulness and praise
Take my life, and let it be
The church's one foundation
The Holly and the Ivy
The Lord's my shepherd I'll not want
The wise man built his house upon the ro
Think of a world without any flowers
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour.
Thy hand, O God has guided
'Tis good, Lord, to be here
The Royal Anthems (God save our gracious
Thine be the glory
Tell out my soul, the greatness of the L
The finest of the wheat
The King of love my shepherd is
The Manx National Anthem
This Joyful Easter Time.MP3
Thou art the way. By Thee alone.
Thou whose almighty word
Thy Kingdom come! On bended knee
To God be the Glory!
There is a green hill far away
The Lord's Prayer
The Advent of our King
The Head that once was crowned with thor
The Kingdom of God is justice and joy
The people that in darkness sat
Thine forever God of love (2)
Thou didst leave thy throne and thy kingly crown
Through all the changing scenes of life
Thy Kingdom come O God
There's a wideness in God's mercy
The day of resurrection
This is the truth sent from above
The God of Abraham praise
We have a Gospel to proclaim
We pray Thee heavenly Father
When morning gilds the skies
Who is on the Lord's side
Will your anchor hold
When I survey the wondrous cross
We love the place, O God
What a friend we have in Jesus
When we walk with th Lord (Trust & Obey)
Who put the colours in the rainbow
We are marching in the light of God
When I needed a neighbour
We plough the fields and scatter
What child is this. (Greensleeves)
While shepherds watch their flocks by ni
Will you come & follow me
Were you there when they crucified my Lord
When God Almighty came to earth
Ye holy angels bright
You shall go out with joy
Ye servants of God, your Master proclaim
Ye that know the Lord is gracious
Ye servants of the Lord
Tomasz & Ania Solo/ Duet
Anna Polish Hymn
Agnus Dei Mozart - Mass in C Major
Tomasz - The Day of Resurrection
Barka - The Boat
Veni Creator Spiritus
Tomasz Solo. I know that my Redeemer liveth
Ania - Polish Carol
1976 Philadelphia Eucharistic Conference Hymn sung by Tomasz & Ania
Tomasz Solo Let me hide myself in Thee -
My Prayer - Tomasz Solo
Anna - Polish Hymn
Tomasz - Great is Thy Faithfulnesss
Tomasz Easter Hymns.MP3
Anya - Ave Verum Corpus Natus by Elgar.m
Adoro Te Devote - Thomas Aquinas
Tomasz Solo Consecration Hymn (Take my l
Ania. Ave Maria Tomasz melody
Tomasz solo - own composition word j Faw
My Prayer by C.W.E. Bond
My redeemer liveth - Tomasz Solo
Anna Ave Marie
Anthem of Eucharistic Conferenece 1976.m
Benedictus Sung by Anya
Ave Maria (Anya)
Tomasz solo. Come Holy Spirit
Ania Solo- Benedictus
Tomasz & Ania Duet Barka
Carol - Composed by Tomasz
Tomasz own - melody Thy presence gracious God, afford
Reading Acts Ch 2 v1-21
Reading John 10 v1-10.MP3
Acts Ch1 V6-14
Matthew ch28 v16-20
Romans Ch 6 V 1-11
Reading John 14 v1-14
John Ch 14 V 15-21
Reading John Ch1 vs 43-End
Reading John Ch2 vs 1-11
Matthew Ch9 V35 - Ch10 v8
Reading Mark Ch1 vs 4-11
Reading Luke Ch 2 Vs 22 - 40
Reading John Ch 2 vs 13 - 22
Reading John Ch 3 vs 14 - 21
Reading. John Ch 12 vs 20 - 33
Reading - Mark Ch11 vs 1-11
Rev. Philip Frear's Messages
A thought for the 4th Sunday in Lent
Thought for Passion Sunday(2)
Palm Sunday Thoughts
Piano Recordings - Graham Kirkland
Mazurka in A minor -Chopin
The girl with the flaxen hair-Debussy.m4
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